Zoom Tips (Learned The Hard Way)

I’ll tell you one thing…I’ve been doing quite a bit of teleconferencing these days, but computers can’t do everything for us in this new, virtual world.

I thought I would share a few tips I’ve gleaned* from my experiences (and many mistakes) while teleconferencing with my patients and family members. Here are a few tips to bring out your best when contacting your friends, family, or healthcare provider via video.

  1. Diffuse natural light is best. Place your camera/screen with its back to a source of natural light, such as a window, such that the diffuse light is shining onto your face and not into the camera. If the light is too intense, don’t hesitate to dim it with curtains or blinds.

  2. Make sure that the camera/screen is pointing downward. To achieve this, use a box (or even a specifically designed stand) to position it slightly above your eyes, as this will encourage you to keep your eyes open.

  3. Practice zooming yourself prior to the meeting. This will allow you to center yourself in the screen and get the height correct.

  4. Make sure that your hair and clothes are neat. Once you know you look nice, remember to look into the lens while talking and not into the picture of yourself (as tempting as that might be). I’ve found that lighter color business attire is usually best (though it really only has to be from the waist up).

  5. Sit up straight! This gives you the appearance of paying attention.

  6. Try not to touch your face, reduce noise distractions, and keep the area behind you tidy.

  7. Finally, if you are using a phone, consider purchasing a tripod to allow for finer adjustments. Or, if you have a pop socket on your phone, you can simply hook the pop socket over the rim of a coffee mug, which will hold your phone in a good position for filming.

These are just a few of the things I try to remember while teleconferencing (though these ideas aren’t foolproof; I’m certainly evidence for that!). That being said, our clinic is currently offering telehealth visits to our already established patients if you would like to check in with myself or any one of our providers.

If you are an established patient or you interested in becoming a patient and would like to schedule an in person visit with our clinicians, please feel free to contact our superstar scheduling team at 202.244.8222 or via email at info@quistmd.com. They are always happy to help!

*All ideas borrowed, not original